Charles Rangel

When the bill was trying to be passed to increase the amount of money children get for insurance (or something to that effect) I wanted to watch the process in which it was pushed through. 

So I tuned into C-Span and tried to keep tabs on what was going on. Unfortunately, bush vetoed this since I suppose he doesn’t like children having insurance or something. 

None-the-less, I discovered that my city has the most awesome representative.

His name is Charles Rangel
Now I could go on about him but intead I’ll give you the link to his wikipedia page . 
He’s been arrested three times, that I can see, for various human rights protesting causes. That alone tells me he should be where he is. But watching him on C-Span is the real kicker. The way he responds to certain situations is hilarious. He IS New York. I feel that during Senate meetings he should be sitting in front of a checkered table eating spaghetti and meatballs whilst dealing blows to the republican party.






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