Category: coding

  • Pulling in mp3 library folder

    So I have a client who wanted to have mp3’s that the user could listen to and also download. Since I’m very against having to constantly manage a clients content I wanted him to be able to have no problem adding and removing mp3 files. Normally, one might have an xml file that the user […]

  • Embedding htmlText in your TextArea control

    So I’m currently working on my first mxml project at work (I’ve done other stuff but not at work so they were much less involved). I realized a little in to the project that using the TextArea control can be a bit of a pain the ass at times. Namely, I couldn’t find a way […]

  • mmmm tasty ANT

    So I’m currently in a flashCodersNY meeting and today’s topic is ANT. Wow! I’ve messed with ANT slightly in java but oh you can do some sweet stuff with ANT and Flex deploying to a server. Will try and update later…

  • Image loading with security sandbox fun.

    Just a note in case anyone runs into this. Loading an image from an external domain without a crossdomain.xml file can be tricky. typically I want to just grab the content of the loader and use it to be referenced for whatever. But in this case, when loading from an external domain that doesn’t have […]

  • Adobe Developer week update:

    The seminars went well. some were great, some not so good, but I think I went away with a lot of information either way. If by some chance someone is reading this and wants to check out how they were and what they were all about you can visit the following link: You have […]

  • Adobe Seminars

    So Adobe is currently holding a week of seminars in which they go over various developer programs including Flex, Blaze DS, and what not. Pretty cool, and free. w00t.