Where I am now…

So for this project since I need all the text that will show up in the video to be externalized for language conversion, I have to load everything streaming. This will also cut down on loads times tremendously. 
My first idea is to make this nice and quick and simple. I’ve got 2 classes that I determined I need. I have a “SliverMain” class and a “Sliver” class. I don’t want to get too complex with this since I’ve only got a week and I’m working on other things on top of this. (ugh)

my main class will basically Load my sound clip and the sliver elements that I have. I’ve stored the info for these in an array in a css file that I’m accessing. (Mayeb I’ll talk about that later).

So since I can pass the url links for those clips in my css, I loop through that creating those clips and storing a reference point to them in an array I aptly named “clipArr”. And that’s about where I am for my SliverMain class.

My sliver class will basically perform the loading of the clips via NetConnection, NetStream, and the Video class. Once the object has been added to the stage it loads it’s url that was set in my SliverMain class and sits on the video loading it.

So now that I haev this working I’m going to work on masking these clips which has a minWidth (to determine my mask width when closed), and I may need a bgImage to view while the video is stopped and masked (bascially setting my vids alpha to 0 to view my bg for the sliver. Then I also need to grab the length of my audio in my SliverMain class and set a timer based on how many videos are being pulled in and divide that by the length of the audio to determine when my clips should show. I think there may also need to be a buffer time for while the videos are playing, so I’ll grab the duration of each video, divide that by two and subrtact that number from each point I got from that. So:
(audioDur/numOfClips) – (durationOfClip/2)

Doing this is really handy for me as then I kind of pseudo code out what I’m doing while I write. good times.







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