oh man sweet

So a little update with the video project. I’ve got things importing into the Sliver clips and tweening open yada yada. 

Mostly all of the tweaks are externalized, i.e. the reavling time, duration, text x and y on the clip, but the most fascinating thing was what I just discovered. 

I was aware of being able to use the Tweener class to move, set alpha, etc. but I was not aware that there are some default props that you can set that are Numerical. Colors for instance.
An example (assume your text is curently set at black text):

Tweener.addTween(myTextField, {_color:0xFFFFFF, time:1})

thats it!
Also, blurs are there as well.

Tweener.addTween(myClip, {_blur_blurX:15, _blur_blurY:15, time:2})

and you have a blur.
I love running into new stuff that I never needed before but is quite handy.



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