Utilizing FireFox Firebug

FireBug, for those that don’t know about it, is a great little tool for debugging your apps online. 

One of the many things you can do is use it as a logger. This is excellent for flash development debugging on the server as you can easliy utilize the console.log, console.debug, console.error, console.warn, and console.info. The following is a quick class I wrote up to use this:

package com.mylibrary.log

 import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
 public class FireBugLogger
  public static function log(s:String):void{
   ExternalInterface.call("console.log", s)
  public static function debug(s:String):void{
   ExternalInterface.call("console.debug", s)
  public static function info(s:String):void{
   ExternalInterface.call("console.info", s)
  public static function warn(s:String):void{
   ExternalInterface.call("console.warn", s)
  public static function error(s:String):void{
   ExternalInterface.call("console.error", s)

So now you just import your FireBugLogger package and call FireBugLogger.log(‘HI THERE’), et voila!



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