
So Last week I did a presentation on the adobe xmlsyndication package and the use of css within an as3 environment sans mxml at the flashcodersny meeting. I think all in all it turned out pretty good but there were a few issues I noticed.

The first being the dependancy on the adobe corelib package and the second being the dependancy on the flex library for a single thing. So I refactored their xmlsyndication and now it relies on nothing. In fact I was able to just about halve the size of my swf file because of this. In fact, I am able to rely solely on the playerglobal.swc which is the only actual library you need to publish swfs.

Why did I do this? Well, I think it’s just that there seem to be too much reliance on other packages for things that don’t really do that much. Relying on all of this will inevitably bloat your swf and cause load times to increase thereby driving people away from your flash reliant site. Granted in today’s world many people have high speed internet access, sure, BUT when you start creating massive applications this can have a very dramatic affect on the size. Which will leave you with a massive application unless properly externalized and organized.

I’ll be posting a link to the O’Reilly article once I’m done writing it. Yup, that’s right, JC was mighty impressed and wants to add this to the O’Reilly’s insideRIA site.



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