Category: adobe

  • Adobe site of the day!

    So the recent site I worked on is on Adobe’s site of the day. W00t. And finally someone said stuff about my map! Sheesh. lol. The only thing I’m not liking is the shameless plugs they try to do. They say the site was created in flash(!?!) and dreamWeaver? Who even touches dreamweaver these […]

  • What the Heck are Runtime Shared Libraries?

    So keeping in the topic from my previous post of low overhead flash apps, I decided to talk a little bit about runtime shared libraries. So what are Runtime Shared Libraries? These are libraries that are used just like you normally use your libraries in Flex 3 but instead of storing them within the swf, […]

  • XMLSyndication

    So Last week I did a presentation on the adobe xmlsyndication package and the use of css within an as3 environment sans mxml at the flashcodersny meeting. I think all in all it turned out pretty good but there were a few issues I noticed. The first being the dependancy on the adobe corelib package […]

  • A quick note.

    I was trying to determine a way to sort an array without all the for loops and that sort of business when I ran across this post Granted it’s a little specific to what you want to sort but I’m sure with a little change you could sort based on the function call maybe. I […]

  • Flash to PDF

    I was reading back to some of my blogs and noticed I forgot to look into embedding swf files into pdf documents. Here is a link to a tutorial for it. Check it out.

  • an update on my FirebugLogger class

    I decided to tweak the class a bit more so I figured I’d throw it up here.   import flash.external.ExternalInterface; public class FireBugLogger { private static var _enabled:Boolean = false; public function FireBugLogger(singleton:SingletonEnforcer){} public static function set enabled(t:Boolean):void{ _enabled = t; } public static function get enabled():Boolean{ return _enabled } public static function log(s:String):void { […]

  • Belated blog from last week

    Ok, so all in all today wasn’t a bust. I think I walked away from each session with at least a couple new things to ponder about. Not so bad. ReflexUtil was one of those things. Looks to be a great debug utility.  Check it out yourself.

  • Utilizing FireFox Firebug

    FireBug, for those that don’t know about it, is a great little tool for debugging your apps online.  One of the many things you can do is use it as a logger. This is excellent for flash development debugging on the server as you can easliy utilize the console.log, console.debug, console.error, console.warn, and The […]

  • oh the randomness

    private function randomSort(a:*, b:*):Number { return Math.random()>.5 ? -1 : 1; } private function myFunc():void { var myArrayToSort = [1,2,3,4,5]; myArrayToSort.sort(randomSort); trace(MY ARRAY SORTED IS ‘+myArrayToSort) } Awesome way to randomly sort an array. I’m using this with the sliver movie to randomly place the clips in various positions so every time you watch the […]

  • oh man sweet

    So a little update with the video project. I’ve got things importing into the Sliver clips and tweening open yada yada.  Mostly all of the tweaks are externalized, i.e. the reavling time, duration, text x and y on the clip, but the most fascinating thing was what I just discovered.  I was aware of being […]